What started as a hobby soon turned into a thriving business!
My name is Charbel Tadros, and I am the founder and director of Brandplus Solutions. Back in 2010, I published my first spiritual novel entitled “The Destined Journey”. Of course, for best marketing, I needed a website for it, and I didn’t know anything about this. Fortunately, a friend of mine had a knack for these things, and he helped me out by creating the website for me. However, as time went by, he got busier, and he couldn’t help with the website much anymore.
That’s whe I discovered Wix. I found it quite easy for me to create a website on it, and I did. It felt good to have complete control over it and to be able to change it whenever I needed to. A few years after that, sometime around 2016-2017, I got into cryptocurrency. I wanted to create a website called Cryptoways through which people could earn cryptocurrency just by being social… that’s when I discovered how limited Wix was. So I had to rely on another friend to create the more complicated functionality… and he soon became even more unresponsive than the last. It was quite frustrating, so I began reading more and more until I discovered the miracles of WordPress.
At first, I found wordpress to be quite complicated; however, the more I read and the more videos I watched, the better I became at it. Also, the more problems I faced, the faster I learned. Eventually, I fell in love with wordpress and rebuilt my website using it. That’s when the situation became too difficult in Lebanon and I moved to Australia.
Even though I had a Masters in Education, I didn’t feel like going back into schools and teaching children anymore. Despite that, I tried to find a job in it, but the universe just steered me another way. I took a digital marketing course with Google and started my first part-time job as a digital marketing manager in the Gold Coast. A few months later, my family and I moved to Sydney where I found a job as an entry-level administrator at a training organisation called Future Academy. I used my skills with website design to improve the workflow of the company and to digitise its processes. Eventually, within a few months, the CEO resigned, and I was asked to replace him. However, during my time as admin, I met lots of people who were impressed with my work, and they asked me to create websites for them. At first, I used to help out for free, but when I started getting more complicated orders. Of course, happy clients recommended me to other clients, and the business started to grow until I eventually founded Brandplus.
By joining the Brandplus family, you are not getting the high level website designers who like to complicate things just because they can. You don’t get developers who speak super complicated jargon that you have no hope of catching on. However, with Brandplus Solutions, you get someone who was in your predicament and who found a way out. You get someone who speaks your language so that you are empowered when you make your choice. We know what you are thinking of and what you need, and we will help you achieve it!